The sidewalk sign alerts drivers to the existence of this restaurant, which takes up the right half of the building pictured above.
Parking is available in the back of the building and we walked around to the entrance, curious to find out what the restaurant was like. We were greeted by a small space containing eight tables for four and four booths. Three other customers were there and two of them gave us a look somewhere between appraising and disapproving. But the young man standing behind the counter gave us a brilliant, friendly smile as we walked up to figure out what to order. Menus are on white boards on the wall and we eventually made our choices while he patiently waited. There are ten taco choices, five gorditos, and one sope.
He disappeared into the kitchen and we took a booth along the windows. Matt then had some fun with the mirrors (there are three of them hanging on various walls). There were three large pencil drawings hanging above us, two of large breasted women and the other maybe a Mexican Clint Eastwood? Viva mi Raza was written on a couple of them ~ "Long live my People," certainly a worthy sentiment. The Virgin Mary under a garland also joined the decor. And Pirates of the Caribbean was being shown on the T.V.
Another customer walked in, sat down at a table, and received table service. So it is available but you have to know what you want unless you can read the whiteboards from your seat. Our counter man soon brought us our tacos, the first dish being one pork and one steak, nicely smothered in cilantro and onions.
Matt ordered three ~ pork, steak, and beef tongue.
Three unmarked sauces were brought out for us, spicy, hot, and hotter. After a few taste tests we each picked one suitable to our taste buds. We had no complaints and the tacos are definitely recommended. We didn't like them as well as those at Taqueria San Jose but this place is certainly worthy of a visit. Tortillas weren't doubled or slightly fried like at San Jose but everything tasted fresh and there was no lack of flavor.For the price conscious among you, these tacos are $2.00 each. That's right. And the restaurant is a small family business. The cook is the father of our server and usually his daughter is there helping as well but our server had enlisted the help of a friend today.
They are on Facebook and here is their December 17 posting: "Correccion va aber Barbacoa, Pansita, y Consume el 27 De Diciembre. Abrimos a las 9 de la mañana gracias. Correction there will be Barbacoa, panista, and consume made out of goat on December 27. We will be open at 9am thank you." What's not to love about this unique little place on South Division? We'll be back to try the gorditos and sope!
Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Sunday ~ 9:00 am - 8:30 pm
Friday, Saturday ~ 9:00 am - 10:00 pm
Monday ~ Closed
Support another of Grand Rapids' many local restaurants, ignore the national chains, and reviews of the same, that make every neighborhood just a little less interesting, put locals out of business, and cause all cities to look like Any City, U.S.A. This family is doing their part.